Seascape Painting Holiday with Ray Balkwill
Room Type | Single Occupancy | Two Painters sharing | One Painter and One Non Painter |
Premier | £1965 | £2860 | £2720 |
Sea View | £1690 | £2585 | £2445 |
Partial Sea View | £1500 | £2235 | £2095 |
Standard | £1180 | £1810 | £1670 |
Price includes: Personal daily tuition of Ray Balkwill, evening presentations and discussions, welcome drinks reception, dinner bed and breakfast for 5 nights and VAT.
Price does not include: Transport to Painting Venues on the Lizard chosen as subjects to paint en plein air. Guests are required to arrange their own transport in their own vehicles please, with car share on location a popular option.
Please contact our reception team on 01326 240328 for more details.